Episode 09: J. J. Hathaway


Welcome to episode nine of FORTE Podcast!

J.J. Hathaway, (b.1998) is a British composer of chamber, orchestral and TV and Film music. He was recently commissioned to write an orchestral piece for the Illuminated River Foundation a long-term art installation transforming the Thames.

This culminated in two concerts, a studio recording and multiple broadcasts. Notably, his string quartet ‘For Richard,’ which was written for and recorded by the acclaimed cellist Oliver Coates and his quartet, was hailed as “a sonically stunning and highly individual work” (Andrew Hamilton, 2018). It gained further momentum in 2019 when the Quatour Bozzini chose to premiere the work in Milton Court.

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(0:35) Hathaway's album Fires & Folklores

(2:20) Album recording footage

(4:00) Revisiting F&F in the future

(4:59) Details about album tracks

(5:38) 'Mother In Clouds' concert excerpt

(7:59) 'For Richard' excerpt

(12:18) Losing confidence in compositional fate

(17:39) Musical Ideas: When do they come?

(20:36) Discriminating between Ideas

(24:22) A musical bank of Potential Ideas

(27:51) Hathaway's unique approach to writing down music

(33:54) Hathaway's Synthetic Symphony

(38:10) Hathaway's philosophy towards Time

(39:02) Mortality

(44:40) A Quixotic attitude to Life

(49:58) The anxiety of the Future

(58:07) Hathaway's composers of admiration

Tracks composed by Hathaway:

Synthetic Symphony

Mother In Clouds

For Richard


LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/joshua-hat...

Instagram: @j.j.hathaway

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqG6...

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4j6Ya...


Instagram: @fortepodcast

Twitter: @AnthonyKaChun


Episode 10: Noah Max


Episode 08: Dan Mar-Molinero